Oxygen Inhalation Device with Isolating-bacteria Filter

Applicable for Oxygen Inhalation, High-efficiency bacterial-proof 0.22pm filter, to prevent cross contamination, The stérile humidifying fluid is prefilled which can avoid bacterial contamination caused in the préparation and filling of humidifying fluid, Proprietary three-way swrtch to achieve fast conversion between oxygen inhalation and nebulization, Foaming Type Humidifying Bottle: Adopt a spécial sound-proofing foaming device, which can effectively increase the contact area and time between oxygen and humidification fluid without influencing the patients, Surface Humidification Type: Oxygen stroam doos not entor humidification fluid to gonorato bubblos but just carrios water molécules diroctly. No infectious aorosol or noise genorated during oxygen humidification.